yamaha 447-27433-00 Rear Footrest Foot Rest Cover, peg1


7 in stock

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Related Fitment

This Yamaha 447-27441-00-00 FOOTREST fits the following models and components:

Aftermarket Parts Control Foot Controls Foot Pegs

Yamaha Motorcycle 1982 SR250J Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS650SG Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS850SG Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS400G Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 SR500G Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS650D STAND – FOOTREST – BRAKE PEDAL XS650D – E – E00650

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS750SF Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS650SF Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS650SE Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS500E Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS750SE Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS750E Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1974 TX650A STAND FOOTREST BRAKE PEDAL TX650A – XS650B

Yamaha Motorcycle 1975 XS650B STAND FOOTREST BRAKE PEDAL TX650A – XS650B

Yamaha Motorcycle 1976 XS650C STAND FOOTREST BRAKE PEDAL XS650C

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS650D STAND FOOTREST BRAKE PEDAL XS650D E E006501- F

Yamaha Motorcycle 1976 XS500C Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS750-2D Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 SR500H Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS650_2F STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS400_2F STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1983 XS650SK Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS400-2E STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1982 XS400SJ Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1985 FJ600N Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1974 TX500A STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 SR500E Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS1100F Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS1100SF Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1973 TX500 STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS750F Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 XS400F Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS850G Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS650G Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 SR250G Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1975 XS500B STAND – FOOTREST BRAKE-PEDAL

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS850LH Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1984 FJ600L Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1985 FJ600NC Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS750E_227 Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS750SE-31 Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS1100E Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS650SE-11 Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1982 XJ650RJ Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1984 FJ600LC Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS400SH Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS650SH Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS850H Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XJ550RH Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1979 SR500F Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS400 – XS400H Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS850SH Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1982 XS650SJ Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 SR250H Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS400D Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS500D Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS400SG Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1980 XS850LG Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1978 XS400E Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1977 XS750D Stand/footrest

Yamaha Motorcycle 1981 XS650H Stand/footrest

Additional information

Weight 3 oz